
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Clay--Part II

So, I won today! I won a tournament on clay!

It is still much to early to declare clay my favorite surface or even to move it off the 'least favorite surface' list and put it on my top ten list. I am not being unfair. The evil slippery surface is just not a strong enough contender to challenge, I don't know, quicksand or ice, for a chance on the list.

But I did it. Playing was so dicey for me the first set. I was down 2-4, but I never thought I would lose. Confidence is a huge part of my game this year. It's helped me stay focus, regardless of the score. I think my mixed doubles partner helped me with that. We were down 0-4 in a set before being able to pull off the win. Afterwards, teammates asked about our shaky start. He just shrugged and said, he never really felt like we were in danger of losing the match.

Being able to think like that has allowed me to change the tides many times this season!

I have a week of training, running, lots of tennis with partners and the ball machine. And then it's off to Indiana for the Saint Joseph's College Open. Back on hard court! Yes!

I hope to do well.


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