
Monday, March 11, 2013

Adidas Barricade 6-month Outsole Guarantee

If you’re like me, you can wear through the outsoles of a pair of tennis shoes fairly fast.

My latest pair of Adidas Barricades were purchased in November and despite having a lighter training session because of my ankle injury, there is a grape-sized hole under my big toe in my left shoe and the soles are pretty bald on both shoes.

I’ve published a post about Adidas’ Six Month Outsole Guarantee for Barricades before but for those of you who need it; the address is:

Adidas 6-Month Guarantee

495 Cedar Crest Road

Spartanburg, SC 29301

Be advise the cost of shipping has gone up. It is now $13.25. So when you pack up your Barricades, include a check or money order for the shipping of your replacement shoes and your original receipt.

I have been in a three month long argument with the Adidas people about their replacement policy. After not receiving my last replacement pair, within the normal two to three week time period, I assumed they had been rejected as not eligible for a replacement pair. But then my check to cover the shipping as cashed.

I called customer service and spoke with a rude lady who assured me it was “not their policy to replace custom Barricades”. The shoes in question were my eighth pair of shoes submitted in three years that were customized.

Needless to say, I was confused.

She said they would be replaced by I should be advised that it is not their policy to replace custom shoes. She would not address the fact that my check was cashed as though the shoes were replaced or the fact that their website states, “Custom mi Barricades that qualify for the Adidas Six Month Outsole Guarantee are replaced with a current inline style and not with another customized pair.”

I am not sure what I am going to do aside from continuing to send the shoes and forcing their hands until they take that down from their website.

I have to say that I am annoyed to find that they would be so reluctant to replace a customized pair when they cost 50 dollars more than the inline style. And if someone is willing to pay as much as I do for the shoes and as often as I do, I would think they would be a little kinder and accommodating to a long-time, loyal customer.

Stay tuned,

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