
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012

I am happily saying goodbye to 2012.

In July I severely sprained my ankle the day before USTA district playoffs.

Just as I was able to begin playing with a little consistency again and running again in OCTOBER! I began experiencing my bi-annual bronchitis symptoms. But unlike in years past where I suffer through my normal tennis and hockey activities, this time, I was down for the count. For six weeks, I couldn't work, workout or hit the courts with any regularity.

There have been no posts in that time because the frustration of not being able to do my thing was overwhelming.

But, I am starting 2013 off with a tournament in a couple of days which I am looking forward to. And I am planning a series of posts that will update what my tennis-related exploits have been and what they will be.

Happy New Years, Everyone!

And stay tuned,

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