
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Playing for a Party

I leave for Sacramento in two days. I am so excited. The draws are set to be posted tmr and I am anxious to see.

Realistically, my goal is to finish in the top three in the singles draw. But now, I have extra incentive. One of the ladies in one of my tennis clinic is throwing me a party if I win! Woohoo! Sweet! It reminds me of getting ice cream when you brought home a great report card!

I still have racquets to string, but should get them done in a few hours. The closer I get to Thursday, the more excited I feel. I can stop worrying so much about what-ifs as the little details are being worked out, like who's taking us to the airport and picking us up, everything being packed that needs to be packed, etc.

Soon, all that will be left for me to do is to get on the plane!

Stay tuned,


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