
Friday, August 13, 2010

Tennis ADHD

I believe I suffer from tennis ADHD. Today while up 4-1 in the second set after taking the first set 6-2, my mind began to wander.

I wondered what my boyfriend was having for dinner and whether he would save me any. Then I wondered where I would stop and what I would grab for dinner if he didn't save me anything. I wondered if Joe's Crab Shack would still be open when I finished my match, because I have been jonesing for some of their fudgy chocolate cake. I wondered how my teammates were doing because I was not paying attention when I was dispatched to my court, so I had no idea what scorecard numbers I was supposed to be using. Then I returned to the thought, that I really was hungry.

I wish I could say that these random thoughts today where an isolated incident, but, they are not. Often my mind wanders in the middle of a match and though it might seem more logical that I just need to find a way to stay focus, I am going to stick with my diagnosis; I have tennis court ADHD.

Stay tuned,

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