
Thursday, September 3, 2009


I spent the past week preparing for the mixed doubles championship match that will be held September 13th. I haven't played a lot of doubles all summer long, so the first practice with my team, I felt a little rusty.

The weird thing is, I really credit much of my summer success to my winter mixed doubles team. This was the first year I played mixed doubles. I've always shied away from it because, one, there are times, when, *gasp* I hate doubles.

Playing team sports like hockey and soccer and then playing and enjoying the individual sport of tennis, I've appreciate the ease that comes with clicking with teammates in a sport like hockey or soccer. There can be a lot of line juggling in hockey to find that perfect line which just seems to click on the ice. I know where my right wing is or which way she cuts. Or on the guys team, I know when I need to get back and cover for my defense. I know which one of my linemates will cover me if I start a break out.

But in tennis, it is just you and one other person. And if you don't mesh, it's a miserable best of two sets.

I am an aggressive player. I love to be at the net and I love volleying. Sometimes, I've found, women aren't into playing kick-ass doubles. I don't remember names. And when I do, I make a conscious effort to forget the introductions. For the next hour or so, the two people on the other side of the net don't need names or stories or pets or children who did the cutest thing in school today. I am there to kick your ass. And kicking your ass doesn't require me knowing your bio.

I've played with partners who, given the chance, would have laid out a change-of-sides spread, complete with tea and those little cream cheese sandwiches served at an old lady's church social. I've played with partners who, unbeknown to me, have gone out and got their teaching pro credentials and feel the need to tell me what to do every minute of the game. They instruct me according to the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do teaching manual. (You know, "Just put the ball in" Meanwhile they are trying their best to launch balls into space.

I expected to find in mixed doubles guys who took the balls to serve first without discussing it, assuming because I am a girl I would have a weaker serve. Or guys who would run a Boston Marathon to get to every ball, chivalrously, of course, so I wouldn't have to tire myself out hitting any balls. Or guys, who wanted to tell me what to do at every stage of the match.

But in my team, I found a partner that I enjoy playing with very much. I could miss five shots in a row, and my partner, knowing that he's seen me make that same shot a million times, will simply tell me to keep going for it. The shot will come.

I need that kind of partner, one who has faith in my abilities. Playing with my partner gave me confidence to keep going for my shots in my singles matches when, alone, it's harder to believe in yourself.

At any cost, the past week and the next week, the focus is on my championship match. I've played a few hours of doubles. Hit with the usual suspects. And hit the gym. Hopefully, we will advance to the state championships.

Stay tuned...

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